Based on research by two law school career services directors and supplemented by Susan Gainen (see credits at the end of the document). You will find some
consistent themes: just as in traditional legal positions, key skills are writing, analysis, communication and interpersonal skills. Their categories are:
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Financial Services
Fund Development (Institutional Advancement)
Non-Profit Management
Mediator (Small ADR Company)
FUNCTIONS: Mediates disputes
SKILLS: negotiation, mediation, fact analysis, issues ID, ability to distinguish fact patterns, aware of risks & liabilities
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: Substantive training in a specific practice, government practice, mediation training
Executive director (Non-profit mediation service)
FUNCTIONS: Oversee & administer all activities, promote services, manage & train staff, mediate & facilitate negotiations
SKILLS: Negotiation/mediation, persuasion, general legal knowledge, work independently, presentation skills, leadership and management
QUALIFICATIONS - MINIMUM/PREFERRED: Management and fundraising experience/ J.D.
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: ADR courses and clinics in law school, litigation in private practice
Associate Publisher (Legal monthly newspaper)
FUNCTIONS: Promotions and PR, advertising, sales, selection of editorial features; some writing for the publications
SKILLS: Writing, issues identification, negotiation, teamwork, presentation skills
QUALIFICATIONS - MINIMUM/PREFERRED: Sales experience/ Legal network
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: Law firm practices, conference and corporate sales; communications experience
Marketing director (Private health care provider)
FUNCTIONS: Marketing, PR to estate planning professionals, in-house education for health-care managers
SKILLS: Legal knowledge (T&E), legal terminology, risk awareness, risk management, issues identification, leadership & management
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: Public finance, bank trust experience, marketing experience
Managing director (Theatrical Production Company)
FUNCTIONS: Promotions, financial planning, writing, performing
SKILLS: Writing, risk awareness, general legal knowledge, rules and regulations, interpreting contracts, leadership & management
QUALIFICATIONS - MINIMUM/PREFERRED: Some experience in arts /tenacity, faith & confidence
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: B.A. and M.A. in theater, artist or agent experience
Assistant director (Bar Review Company)
FUNCTIONS: Personnel, sales promotion, management, administration, technology development
SKILLS: Negotiation/mediation, presentation skills, persuasion, teamwork, ability to work independently
QUALIFICATIONS - MINIMUM/PREFERRED: JD / self-motivated, excellent interpersonal skills
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: Sales experience, student rep for law-related products
International Tax Manager (Large Corporation)
FUNCTIONS: Research US and foreign tax law; coordinate transactions; advise HR on international compensation; tax planning; tax return preparation
SKILLS: Issues identification; writing ability, research skills, teamwork, ability to distinguish fact patterns, leadership skills, management experience
QUALIFICATIONS - MINIMUM/PREFERRED: 5 years international tax experience, CPA, advanced degree (JD or MS Tax or MBA)
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: CPA, law clerk in large corporate tax department, tax consulting with large accounting firm
Program Manager (Large Computer Corporation)
FUNCTIONS: Personnel and budget management; negotiate government contracts
SKILLS: Negotiation, drafting, leadership and teamwork
QUALIFICATIONS - MINIMUM/PREFERRED: B.A. & experience with a corporation / MBA
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: Coursework in financial management and planning; government contracts; contracts administration
Property Records (Department Store)
FUNCTIONS: Analyze, interpret & draft leases and operating agreements; manage finance agreements, track documents for commercial property transactions
SKILLS: Negotiation/mediation, familiarity with legal terms, general legal knowledge, research skills, writing ability
QUALIFICATIONS - MINIMUM/PREFERRED: B.A. + 3-5 years real estate experience / JD
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: Law clerk for the employer or experience at another real estate practice
Regional Sales Coordinator (Software Company)
FUNCTIONS: Sales & account management for a law-school-related product
SKILLS: Negotiation/mediation, presentation skills, persuasion, teamwork, work independently, leadership & management
QUALIFICATIONS - MINIMUM/PREFERRED: - /knowledge of law school experience
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: judicial law clerk, private practice, sales with other law-related computer company
VP Corporate Finance (Hospital)
FUNCTIONS: Capital structure management; oversee M&A; financial planning, manage joint venture investments
SKILLS: Teamwork, presentation skills, writing ability, issues identification, persuasion, leadership & management
QUALIFICATIONS - MINIMUM/PREFERRED: Business degree, 4-6 years financial experience
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: Legal corporate experience or investment banking, CPA; BS economics; MBA with emphasis in health care; lower level
corporate positions with hospitals; director of corporate planning
Assistant to the Dean (Public University)
FUNCTIONS: Grievance officer; faculty advocate in grievance proceedings; administrative management
SKILLS: Negotiation/mediation, fact analysis, teamwork, counseling, persuasion
QUALIFICATIONS - MINIMUM/PREFERRED: Master’s degree (or JD); administrative experience, oral & written communication skills/ Political savvy,
knowledge of university grievance procedures
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: Doctoral coursework
Director, Professional Development Centers & Institutes (Graduate Business School)
FUNCTIONS: Provide leadership for non-degree professional programs; develops programs, courses and outreach activities; fundraising
SKILLS: Negotiation/mediation; ability to distinguish fact patterns; issues identification; fact analysis, fundraising, leadership & management
QUALIFICATIONS - MINIMUM/PREFERRED: Advanced degree; understanding of life-long learning process, experience in various organizational settings
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: Leadership and management
Program Attorney (Continuing Legal Education Provider)
FUNCTIONS: Plan, market, budget, present CLE seminars
SKILLS: Persuasion, issues identification, presentation skills, general legal knowledge
QUALIFICATIONS - MINIMUM/PREFERRED: Some adult education experience
Practicum Coordinator (Law School)
FUNCTIONS: Schedule and coordinate student placements; student counseling; document management; interface with faculty
SKILLS: Work independently; fact analysis; issues identification; ability to distinguish fact patterns; personal skills, leadership & management
QUALIFICATIONS - MINIMUM/PREFERRED: Computer proficiency; complex project management experience; communication & problem solving skills /
knowledge of legal process & court procedures or JD
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: Administrative assistant experience; student manager of a law school clinic
VP Financial Planning (Large Bank)
FUNCTIONS: Estate and financial planning in trusts & estates department
SKILLS: Issue identification, fact analysis, and presentation skills, work independently, interpret contracts, rules and regulations, leadership & management
QUALIFICATIONS - MINIMUM/PREFERRED: JD, financial planning experience
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: solo practice, judicial law clerking, LLM in tax, NASD registered representative
VP Financial Planning Officer (Trust Company)
FUNCTIONS: Financial planning, client presentations, create financial products, insurance underwriting and compliance, general legal knowledge
SKILLS: Issues identification, writing ability, fact analysis, work independently, general legal knowledge, leadership & management
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: Life insurance underwriter, marketing department of an insurance company
Senior Vice President, Indirect Products (Large Bank)
FUNCTIONS: Sales management, product development, marketing
SKILLS: Negotiation/mediation, awareness of risks, liability, persuasion, presentation skills, leadership & management
QUALIFICATIONS - MINIMUM/PREFERRED: MBA or finance, or management experience / JD
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: Commercial loan group manager, indirect products manager
Partner (CPA Firm)
FUNCTIONS: Personnel/firm management, tax planning, business development
SKILLS: Ability to distinguish fact patterns, awareness of risk, liability, fact analysis, general legal knowledge, teamwork, leadership & management
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: Accounting degree, solo law practice, CPA
Claim Representative (Small Insurance Company)
FUNCTIONS: Case management of malpractice claims, hire defense counsel, negotiate settlements, and draft legal documents
SKILLS: General legal knowledge, negotiation/mediation, issues identification, writing ability, fact analysis
QUALIFICATIONS - MINIMUM/PREFERRED: JD or solid grasp of legal principles and proceedings
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: Personal injury paralegal, private practice in a small firm
Client Service Representative (Trust Corporation)
FUNCTIONS: Administrative review, pension planning
SKILLS: Interpret contracts, rules and regulations; general legal knowledge, familiarity with legal terms, teamwork, work independently
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: Solo practice, instructor in a community college paralegal program, MBA with emphasis in employee benefits
SR. VP, Insurance Services (Small Corporation)
FUNCTIONS: Management, legal advising, government regulations, regulatory compliance
SKILLS: Interpret contracts, rules and regulations, negotiation/mediation; presentation skills; writing ability; issue identification
QUALIFICATIONS - MINIMUM/PREFERRED: Insurance & business law classes, BA / JD, CPCU-CLU designation, experience w/insurance products & regs
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: Private practice; state department of insurance, real estate practice
VP Loan Review (Regional Bank Holding Company)
FUNCTIONS: Supervise staff, monitor loan portfolios, credit administration
SKILLS: Awareness of risk/liability; issue identification; ability to distinguish fact patterns, writing ability, fact analysis, leadership & management
QUALIFICATIONS - MINIMUM/PREFERRED: BA in business or accounting; credit experience / computer proficiency
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: MBA, commercial lending training with a bank or financial institution, credit officer, workout specialist
Major Gifts Officer (Non-profit social service)
FUNCTIONS: Fundraising, advisor to investment committee
SKILLS: Negotiation/mediation, presentation skills, writing ability, persuasive skills, counseling, leadership & management
QUALIFICATIONS - MINIMUM/PREFERRED: Sales experience; commitment to the mission of the non-profit / Estate planning and tax experience
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: Private practice, securities license, stockbroker
Senior Gift Planner (Foundation)
FUNCTIONS: Donor gift planning, endowment building
SKILLS: Presentation skills, fact analysis, counseling, working independently; awareness of risk and liabilities
QUALIFICATIONS - MINIMUM/PREFERRED: Commitment to the mission of the supported agencies; BA in business, finance / JD
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: Non-profit volunteer experience (including fundraising), tax associate/supervisor at a CPA firm; private practice
Director of Alumni Giving and Development (University)
FUNCTIONS: Planning and coordinating alumni/ae activities, fundraising, developing planned giving campaigns
SKILLS: Writing ability, persuasive skills, presentation skills, working independently, teamwork. Leadership & management
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: Judicial law clerk, health care contract analyst, graduate work in public administration
Director of Gift Planning (University)
FUNCTIONS: Marketing, counseling and advising, administering planning giving program
SKILLS: General legal knowledge, interpreting rules, contracts and regulations, excellent interpersonal skills
QUALIFICATIONS - MINIMUM/PREFERRED: Law degree, estate or financial planning experience
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: Earned PhD, private practice
Director of Labor Relations (City)
FUNCTIONS: Establish strategy and negotiate agreements, representative in grievance arbitration proceedings
SKILLS: Negotiation/mediation; interpret contracts, rules & regulations; risk awareness & management, presentation skills, persuasive skills; supervisory skills
QUALIFICATIONS - MINIMUM/PREFERRED: Management advocate / labor contract negotiation experience
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: Intermediary for a national labor organization; labor mediator (corporate, state or county)
Executive Director (Legislative Commission)
FUNCTIONS: Advocacy, research, legislative affairs
SKILLS: (none provided)
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: Political activity, community organizing, legal services advocacy
Advisor/Writer (Federal Appeals Office)
FUNCTIONS: Advise judicial officers and write decisions on outcomes relating to disability appeals
SKILLS: Fact analysis; writing ability; working independently, persuasion, general legal knowledge, time management skills
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: Disability casework while clerking for a Magistrate; disability insurance experience
Program Consultant (State social services agency)
FUNCTIONS: Policy and program development, contract administration/negotiation, training
SKILLS: Writing; issue identification; interpret contract, rules & regulations; teamwork, presentation skills
QUALIFICATIONS - MINIMUM/PREFERRED: BSW or MSW, communication skills, training experience / JD
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: BSW, guardian ad litem training, trial advocacy experience
Financial Officer (State)
FUNCTIONS: Oversee expenditure of and accountability for public funds
SKILLS: Negotiation, mediation, presentation skills, teamwork, issues identification, financial management, leadership & management
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: City attorney, private legal practice, CPA
Affirmative Action Director (City government)
FUNCTIONS: Management training in EEO law and diversity issues; develop programs to recruit/retain diverse employees; assist dispute resolution
SKILLS: Counseling, persuasion, presentation skills, issue identification, ability to distinguish fact patterns, leadership & management
QUALIFICATIONS - MINIMUM/PREFERRED: Human rights administration; HR experience, industrial relations / employment law
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: EEO offices for state department; BA with business law emphasis
Director, Child Support Enforcement (Division of a state agency)
FUNCTIONS: Program and budget management; long-term planning; interface with state, federal and county efforts; supervise a large staff
SKILLS: Issues identification; presentation skills, risk awareness and management; work independently; supervise
QUALIFICATIONS - MINIMUM/PREFERRED: Ability to formulate public policy; work with diverse constituencies / management experience, legal knowledge
(child support enforcement)
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: Community organizing; counsel for state legislative committee, children’s advocacy agency
Court Administrator (State appellate court)
FUNCTIONS: Supervision, management, carry out directions and implement policy made by the legislature and Supreme Court
SKILLS: Supervision, interpersonal skills, negotiation/mediation, project management
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: Legal practice, graduate degree, teaching experience
Search Consultant (Professional recruitment agency)
FUNCTIONS: Client and business development
SKILLS: Negotiation/mediation, working independently, persuasion, counseling, leadership, familiarity with legal terminology and all aspects of law practice
QUALIFICATIONS - MINIMUM/PREFERRED: Paralegal or JD training / Legal practice experience
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: Significant number of years of legal practice; close connections to the local legal community
Owner, President (Legal Placement Agency)
FUNCTIONS: Management, financial operations, marketing and sales, strategic planning, supervision
SKILLS: Persuasion, general legal knowledge, counseling, issues identification. Leadership & management
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: Law firm or other legal practice; human resources experience
Placement Director (Legal Staffing Agency)
FUNCTIONS: Sales, marketing, recruitment
SKILLS: Negotiation/mediation, presentation, general legal knowledge, counseling, leadership & management
QUALIFICATIONS - MINIMUM/PREFERRED: Genuine enthusiasm for lawyers and law students; entrepreneurial & communication skills, sales & marketing
experience / JD, legal experience
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: Owned and operated a small business, law firm experience
Career Services Director (Law School)
FUNCTIONS: Manage career development program for students & alumni; outreach to employers; communication with faculty and staff
SKILLS: Ability to multi-task; negotiation/counseling; oral and written communication skills; high level of comfort with technology in the recruitment process
QUALIFICATIONS - MINIMUM/PREFERRED: Genuine enthusiasm for law students and lawyers; JD or MS Counseling / law practice, legal staffing or
counseling experience
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: Law Practice (public or private); significant counseling experience
Recruitment Manager (Large National Law Firm)
FUNCTIONS: Training, marketing, recruitment, create & manage summer associate program; create and manage professional development (skills) training
SKILLS: Vision, teamwork, supervisory experience; budget management; presentation, written and oral communication skills; high level of comfort with the
technological side of recruiting, leadership & management from the middle
QUALIFICATIONS - MINIMUM/PREFERRED: B.A. / JD with practice experience
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: Legal practice, law school career services; bar association administration
Manager, Employee Relations (Large Corporation)
FUNCTIONS: Mediation, arbitration, negotiate/resolve discrimination and harassment cases; develop training programs
SKILLS: Negotiation/mediation; issue identification; fact analysis; distinguish fact patterns; counseling; management, leadership
QUALIFICATIONS - MINIMUM/PREFERRED: 7+ years leadership experience; excellent judgment, strong interpersonal skills / MAIR, human resources exp.
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: MBA; mediation training; other non-legal positions with corporate employers
President (Management & Career Consulting Firm)
FUNCTIONS: Small business management; career counseling; employee training, marketing training
SKILLS: leadership, management, budgeting, strategic planning
QUALIFICATIONS - MINIMUM/PREFERRED: Small business experience, counseling, marketing / JD and legal network
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: Legal practice, solo practice, counseling training, extensive human rights advocacy, extensive professional associate
development; deep knowledge of law as a business
Government Relations Assistant (Foundations’ Association)
FUNCTIONS: Monitor federal legislation; write column and newsletter; organize lobbying and networking activities; advise regarding government and law-
related activities
SKILLS: Understanding of legislative process; writing ability; strong analytical and advocacy skills, leadership & management
QUALIFICATIONS - MINIMUM/PREFERRED: Hill experience (even as an intern) / JD or public policy degree or training
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: Attorney for a nonprofit; solo practice; agency experience
Lobbyist (Lobbying Corporation)
FUNCTIONS: Represent corporate clients at state legislature
SKILLS: Teamwork, persuasion; general legal knowledge, presentation skills; issues identification
QUALIFICATIONS - MINIMUM/PREFERRED: BA with legislative experience (even as an intern) / JD or public policy degree or training
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: Political science major; staff member for elected representative
Director of Public Affairs (State Bar Association)
FUNCTIONS: Develop and administer programs; fundraising; coordinate legislative agenda
SKILLS: Work independently; writing ability; issues identification; presentation skills; teamwork
QUALIFICATIONS - MINIMUM/PREFERRED: Fundraising background; knowledge of legislative process, experience managing volunteers / JD
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: Assistant director of organizational development and training; legal education and mock trial coordinator
Director, National training Project (Resource association for child care providers)
FUNCTIONS: Advise/educate child care providers on tax preparation and business issues
SKILLS: Presentation, writing, persuasion, counseling, ability to work independently, leadership & management
QUALIFICATIONS - MINIMUM/PREFERRED: Broad knowledge of tax law, writing and speaking skills / JD
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: Advocacy experience
Executive Director (Conservation Agency)
FUNCTIONS: Management; administration; fundraising
SKILLS: Negotiation/Mediation; writing ability; issue identification; general legal knowledge; presentation skills, leadership & management
QUALIFICATIONS - MINIMUM/PREFERRED: Land transaction experience; communication skills / fundraising experience; organizational skills; JD
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: Title insurance experience; private law practice
VP Community Relations (Philanthropic Organization)
FUNCTIONS: Work w/ corps, churches, and politicians to establish public/private partnerships; leverage investments; create strategies to improve quality of life
SKILLS: Critical/conceptual thinking; issues identification; presentation; teamwork, persuasion, leadership & management
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: Program management; resource allocation; graduate degree in public administration (community economic development)
President (State Association of Non-Profits)
FUNCTIONS: Government relations
SKILLS: negotiation/mediation, writing ability; issue identification; fact analysis; leadership and management
QUALIFICATIONS - MINIMUM/PREFERRED: Social service management experience / government relations experience
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: Graduate degree; public administration (finance); JD; state senate staff
Project Director (National Charitable Organization)
FUNCTIONS: Liaison between health care and social service providers
SKILLS: Negotiation/mediation; presentation skills; fact analysis; leadership and management
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: Master’s in Public Policy; foundation fellowship; non-profit board service; private practice estate planning
Director, Special Funds (Professional attorney association)
FUNCTIONS: Implement and staff policy oriented projects; administrative support for task forces and committees
SKILLS: Presentation; issues identification; teamwork; persuasion
HELPFUL BACKGROUND: Legal practice, staff support for Supreme Court task force; lobbyist for social services agency
Academic administration
Accounting firm: litigation support
Alumni relations
Bar association management
Board of Education (staff)
City manager
CLE administrator
Consultant on dependent care
Contract administration
Court TV writer, producer staff
Environmental consultant
Financial planner
Health care administration
Jury selection consultant
Law librarian
Legal publishing (Thomson West; Lexis, others)
Risk management (insurance)
Strategic Policy Analyst
Thanks to Joyce Laher (then Director of Career Services at Hamline Law School; now retired) and Gina Sauer (then Assistant Dean for Career Services at William Mitchell College of Law;
now Director of Recruiting and Professional Development at Oppenheimer Wolff & Donnelly in Minneapolis.)
Pass the Baton, llc Susan Gainen / 1390 Carling Drive #207, St. Paul, MN 55108 / 651-917-0219 / susa[email protected] ©2011