With permission of Dr. Tory Cox adopted from USC, School of Social Work COPA program. 10/21/21
California State University, Long Beach (CSULB)
College of Health and Human Services (CHHS)
School of Social Work (SSW)
Field Education
Macro Practice Skills
Capacity Development Legislative Advocacy Program Monitoring
Coaching Marketing Program Planning
Coalition Building Needs Assessment Public Relations
Community Building Organizational Development Quality Assurance
Community Mobilizing Policy Analysis Resource Development
Consultation Program Development Staff Development
Fundraising Program Evaluation Strategic Planning
Grant Writing/Development Program Implementation Training
The development, awareness, and definition of macro practice skills is critical to your learning experience in field
education and the work done by social work macro practitioners. As you perform activities in your field placement,
try to begin to identify and make the connection between the activities performed and the list of skills above.
Use this sheet while working on your EBRs to identify your emerging macro practice skills. You will not be
performing all of these tasks; still, it is critical that you develop an understanding of what you are doing, when you
are doing it.
Work with your Field Instructor towards greater identification and articulation of your emerging macro practice skills
during individual supervision. As this list is not comprehensive, you may add other macro skills that you are
With permission of Dr. Tory Cox adopted from USC, School of Social Work COPA program. 10/21/21
Capacity Development
A locally driven process of transformational learning by leaders, coalitions and other
agents that leads to actions that support changes in institutional capacity areas
ownership, policy, and organizationalto advance development goals.
A form of professional service focusing on assisting individuals, couples, and
organizations with specific efforts to create and maintain a desired program. A form
of training where the supervisor/manager models or demonstrates a behavior or
task and uses feedback to guide the employee while s/he practices the behavior or
Coalition Building
A process which brings together organizations and individuals to assist communities
in better addressing their quality of life issues and developing long-term solutions to
complex and interrelated issues.
Community Building
The creation or enhancement of community among individuals within a regional
area (such as a neighborhood) or with a common interest.
Community Mobilizing
An attempt to bring both human and non-human resources together to undertake
developmental activities in order to achieve sustainable development.
A professional arrangement in which parties exchange views, opinions, or ideas for
the purpose of future planning or creating solutions to identified problems.
The process of soliciting & gathering voluntary contributions, such as money or
other resources, from individuals, businesses, charitable foundations, or
governmental agencies.
Grant Writing/
Grant Development
The practice of completing an application process for funding provided by an
institution such as a government department, corporation, foundation or trust.
Legislative Advocacy
Communicating the importance of a policy issue or law to people who are in a
position to change it. Presenting the views of a group or organization to legislators.
The process of communicating the value of a product or service to customers.
Needs Assessment
A systematic process for determining and addressing gaps between current and
desired conditions.
Organizational Development
A deliberately planned effort to increase an organization's relevance and viability. A
systemic learning and development strategy intended to change beliefs, attitudes
and relevance of values, and structure of the organization to better absorb disruptive
technologies, shrinking or exploding markets and ensuing challenges and chaos.
With permission of Dr. Tory Cox adopted from USC, School of Social Work COPA program. 10/21/21
Policy Analysis
Determining which of various alternative policies will most achieve a given set of
goals in light of the relations between the policies and the goals. An analysis used to
help managers understand the extent of the problem or need that exists and to set
realistic goals and objectives in response to such problem or need.
Program Development
A series of activities, including analysis, planning, developing, implementing, and
evaluating, designed to create a program that addresses an identified problem,
meets a specific need, or advances the strategic plan of an organization.
Program Evaluation
A systematic method for collecting, analyzing, and using information to answer
questions about the effectiveness and efficiency of projects, policies and programs.
Program Implementation
To put a system of procedures or activities that has a specific purpose into effect or
action putting a system into effect.”
Program Monitoring
The ongoing collection of information on program implementation and functioning to
determine if programs are operating according to plan.
Program Planning
A process to develop the components of a workplace program including goal
determination, implementation and evaluation strategies.
Public Relations Managing information flow between an organization and the public.
Quality Assurance
The planned and systematic activities implemented in a quality system so that
quality requirements for a product or service will be fulfilled.
Resource Development
Taking something such as money, personnel, equipment, personal qualities or
internalized characteristics and changing it to become larger, stronger, or more
impressive, successful, or advanced, or of causing somebody or something to
change in this way.
Staff Development
Various, usually formal, training or activities, funded by employers to enhance the
attitudes, knowledge and skills of current employees.
Strategic Planning
The process of comprehensive, integrative program planning that considers, at a
minimum, the future of current decisions, overall policy, organizational development,
and links to operational plans.
The acquisition of knowledge, skills, and competencies as a result of the teaching of
vocational or practical skills and knowledge that relate to specific useful